Monthly Archives: August 2017

winpty is your friend

Published / by Steve

winpty is a simple-to-use utility that can be a lifesaver when you need it.
For example, if you need to run the Heroku CLI in Git Bash on Windows, you’ll get an error when you try to log in:
$ heroku.exe login
! Login is currently incompatible with git bash/Cygwin/MinGW

If this happens, just start your command with winpty:

$ winpty heroku.exe login

and it will prompt for a password and allow you to log in.

Another example: I needed to export a PostgreSQL database, but pg_dump would just hang. It never prompted for a password (or did anything else). After starting the command with winpty:

$ winpty pg_dump --schema-only [many other pg_dump options]

It immediately prompted for a password and then completed in less than a minute.